Buffalo Grove, IL: Adult Rat Hockey

ADULT RAT HOCKEY 2009 (Click for Full Schedule)

Fridays 11:30am to 1:00pm Twin Rinks Rat Hockey $7.50.

No reservation required. Come up to the front desk and pay.

Made up of mostly C level players, but all players are welcome.

Usually 8 players per side and 2 goalies.

30 player limit, no checking, goalies are free.

Tuesdays 7:25pm to 8:55pm Lenny Puig Rat Hockey $20.

You must contact Lenny at 847-456-9793 before coming out to skate.

Made up of A and B players. One of the best and fastest skates

around. Clean and fast hockey.

Sundays 8:45am to 10:15am Lenny Puig Rat Hockey $20.

You must contact Lenny at 847-456-9793 before coming out to skate.

Made up of mostly A and B players. All players welcome.